Monthly Archives: March 2021

Resurrection From COVID

It’s not a literal resurrection I’m talking about. Those who have died will presumably stay dead. I’m talking about the daily life of work and in relationships that will gradually start again. During the global virus, I have had clients from all over the world contacting me for solace and encouragement during this difficult time. It seems as though Hypnotherapy…

Anger Management

It’s Spring today and time for all us to express ourselves, sometimes too much. The same inner energy that brings us happiness can also bring us anger. If festering problems with someone appear in your mind and spirit, this is something that can easily be conquered through hypnotherapy without having the sensation that you are dangerously supressing your anger. When…

Unblock Creativity

I have worked with several writers and actors who came to me to breakthrough that almost indefinable border between our daily reality and creativity. I say this because it is a border – it’s a waiting place where our minds go when we have some kind of fear of making our dreams tangible. For a writer, it’s a manuscript. For…


Hypnotherapy clients with dissociation, a kind of spaced out feeling of not being in the here and now and living in an altered state of consciousness, have found Hypnotherapy a valuable method to calm their symptoms and gradually return to reality. The causes of dissocation include PTSD, shocks to our mental states, physical or emotional traumas or, sometimes, sexual abuse…