Monthly Archives: April 2021

Fears Of Death

While fears of death are not frequently sought to be absolved through hypnotherapy, I have had some interesting clients who have been freed of these fears. While, as expected, many are elderly, there are still a large number of people who grapple with this dilemma who are middle-aged or even younger. It’s hard to explain the mechanisms , in hypnotherapy,…

Voices From The Past

I have been discovering recently, since the pandemic lockdowns have been slowly lifting, a large number of clients having been bothered by events or voices from their past. It’s as if the pandemic further opened the subconscious mind than most of us are accustomed to. And I have found this to be an uplifting event for the clients who have…

The Fun Of Flying

You always hear about fear of flying but no as much about the fun of flying. So, I’m here to remind people that flying is one of the greatest joys that humans can have. When you’re soaring thousands of feet in the air and can view the land and seas moving underneath you, the sensation, for me, is of having…

Future Life Progression

Among the many clients who have gone through Past Life Regression with me, a surprisingly large number of them have been just as curious, if not more so, about their Future Lives and where they might be headed. The common thread in these experiences is the desire to know what their current life will lead to – and, perhaps, alter…