To most mature adults, this seems little more than madness. We have so many responsibilities! We have no choice! Simple – then, choose your responsibilities. My clients have come to see, in their hypnotherapy sessions, how post-hypnotic suggestions to always feel that you are doing what you want to do and that it comes from the heart have the result…
One of the most remarkable things I have learned from my many past life regression sessions is how my clients have used experiences from past lives to change their futures. I’ve had clients who, after going to a past life, discover the answer to a question that affects their current life or come to understand what they should do in…
Whenever trouble in your relationship seems like it’s strangling you, perhaps you need a new kind of self-embrace. In Past Life Regression therapy, you can discover what your love was like with your present special person in a previous lifetime and, by doing so, resolve your current problems in your relationship and start anew, fresh – and wiser because you’ve…