Monthly Archives: June 2021

Relationship Issues

It is not only couples psychotherapy that can induce a positive effect on relationships, hypnotherapy can uncover issues that have been hidden from us. When we are hypnotized, the mind opens in such a way that heretofore unknown problems appear in our mind. We re-experience something that may have been bothering us in a relationship and can begin to understand…

Trauma And Hiding

All of us have had traumas in our lives. They could be dramatic and unforgettable. They could also be nearly silent, barely noticed, yet working beneath our consciousness to create great complexes and a life of inaction – a life that could have been lived with the joy of the moment. I have had a significant number of clients who…

The Joy Of Forgetting

It is not my intention to suggest that people forget old problems which they have not dealt with. I am talking about unpleasant memories that have been processed but are still hanging around and, sometimes, negatively alter our future. In Hypnotherapy, anything dark from the past can be put to rest permanently. A good number of my cliients have asked…