One of the benefits of hypnotherapy is that the issues which are confronting you, the reason you come in for therapy brings about change regardless of your age. This is because the unconscious mind allows hypnosis to go to and live in a secluded and cherished place in your mind where time is never an obstacle. Once you have achieved…
In almost each one of our minds, there is a place, a hidden and private place where, for many years, we have been perpetually lost – lost from our parents, lost from our children, lost from that grand purpose that our life was meant to be about. It was that project or that big action that defined us, events that…
Of the depressed, the one thing they have in common is that they have lost hope. They don’t see a day in the future when they will feel “normal.” They are grabbed by fear and regret and can’t see the beauty in their unbecoming appearance or behavior., they can’t believe the fact that depression, once resolved, can bring you to…
In my sessions with a client, I frequently give instructions for self-hypnosis so they may continue, daily, the hypnotic session that brought advancement for them out of each troubling issue. Self-hypnosis is simultaneously escaping from yourself entirely and being with yourself entirely. It is a meditation or prayer that helps you grow.
As my practice has progressed, over the years, I find that more and more people have a curiosity about their past lives and what having that information will do for them in this current life. The results I have seen are fantastic. It would seem that having a look into your pre-life consciousness puts you into a mental position that…
While a person might come to therapy to deal with an ever present issue that seems to be a problem, the process of giving in to hypnotherapy transforms a person’s issue into something fleeting and light. There is no painful memory or shadows on our issues. Through hypnotherapy, any issue becomes a thing that will pass into the silence of…
All of us are lonely sometimes. Some people are lonely all the time. This blog entry is for any kind of loneliness. The main thing that Hypnotherapy can do with loneliness is put you in touch with your deepest self and once you’re in that state of mind, you won’t feel loneliness at all. You won’t have to constantly see…
When we retire, we look forward to the long days of peace, to the ability to make plans without the interference of our work schedules. For many people, this is exactly what happens – but for a growing number of people, especially those who retired during the Covid lockdown, second thoughts and fears of loneliness and losing a sense of…
If you are worried about how much you seem to be forgetting, there are two important things to know: the first is that you are probably experiencing the brain’s normal inability to remember everything (and no matter what age you are, all of us experience sudden memory losses); the second is that Hypnotherapy sessions can radically change the ability of…
It is not only couples psychotherapy that can induce a positive effect on relationships, hypnotherapy can uncover issues that have been hidden from us. When we are hypnotized, the mind opens in such a way that heretofore unknown problems appear in our mind. We re-experience something that may have been bothering us in a relationship and can begin to understand…