For those of you who can’t get to sleep or wake up too early, a single hypnosis treatment can bring you long lasting relief. When I have a sleep session with a client, I record it and send them the session. Then, every night or whenever they need it, they can listen to the recording and find themselves blissfully wandering…
I have many clients who have found hypnotherapy, and past life regression in particular, to be enormously helpful in reviving damaged relationships. Many of us believe that people we are attracted to are people we have known in previous lives because the fondness and passion we feel is so undeniably and remarkably strong. These clients have had past life regression…
Some of my clients, usually starting in their late 60’s, approach me to get help with the depression they begin to feel about what they thought were mistakes in their past. We work on the problem by putting the client into that early age when they did something they regretted and have them experience their life at that age and…
When you fall in love or feel like you’re falling in love, the curiosity about your chosen mate is endless. You wonder if you’re right together, you wonder how long this will last, you wonder if you really know the person. In all my experience with matters of the heart, almost everyone wants to go back into the past, they…